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A member registered Apr 15, 2023

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"Go ask Shika about the boxes in the morning" is never available. How do i trigger this?

(1 edit)

About that: i tried it again today but discord still wants my phone number for "suspicious activity" but thinks it is a invalid number.

Any other way to contact you? No Matrix or XMPP?

I get a

File "game/script/girls_compedium_screens.rpy", line 225: the at keyword argument was not given a value.

and for line 444, 588, 719, 863, 1045, 1197, 1341, 1518, 1648, 1772 too.

Can confirm, there's nothing after 'at', what variable should there be for 'menu_inside_card_asme' & co?

Still feels a bit unfair. I donated you via (don't know anymore, $50? $100? that range) and can't get the patron releases.

Just because i prefer one-time payments over regular payments (cost-control).

Any chance you're packaging this with  *uncompiled* .rpy and maybe the usual .rpa instead? I'm here for the story (and porn) and like to cheat, but unrpyc is not up to renpy 8 yet, while rpatool is. ;-)

(1 edit)

> There is nothing for me to fix.

The fix would be to re-zip it.

> The .webp images are already heavily compressed.

I got the "image" folder to 5.7 GB with cwebp's autofilter (-af) and no alpha channel (-alpha_q 0).

Sorry if this came off as rude.

While extracting, i get a warning for overlapping content, it being possibly a zip bomb. Please fix.

Btw, you can compress all the .webp to half of their size without losing quality.

(1 edit)

Not to rush you, but 0.80+ is rather late to add complicated features like the pregnancy and mutation features you mention on the start page. Are you still planning to add them?

Go google it, it's not an ambiguos name.

Have a look at Autohotkey.

(4 edits)

I got a warning

"error: invalid zip file with overlapped components (possible zip bomb) "

in the "game" folder. Disabled the check and it unpacked fine, but still, could you please repack the 0.17 release?

(btw, Linux tooling is amazing!)

Oh, and while we're at it. Could you overwrite in


    # No save directory given.

    if not save_directory:

        return os.path.join(gamedir, "saves")




    # No save directory given.

    if not save_directory:

        return os.path.join(gamedir, "saves")

    if "RENPY_PATH_TO_SAVES" in os.environ:

        return os.environ["RENPY_PATH_TO_SAVES"] + "/" + save_directory



It's a new feature in renpy 7.5+, which allows me to move the annoying ~/.renpy folder to somewhere else via environment variable. Yes yes, i could always fix it myself, but still...

(1 edit)

Is an update planned soon? Would be too sad if it was abandoned. Quality is great so far!